Spring is actually here! And I know what a lot of you are going to do…..GARDEN!
But like most people, after a long hard winter, you’re just going to start…gardening. Like any activity you do after a hiatus, gardening involves positions and movements that your body is not used to yet. It may involve repetitive motion, long times in the same position and working in the heat.
So I’ve created a video with some simple tips to help make your gardening experience bloom!
]]>If you have uncomplicated low back pain (LBP), here are some simple stretches to help you. Uncomplicated LBP is pain not caused by pathology and does not have pain radiating down the leg or any neurological deficits (loss of sensation, reflex or muscle activity). Occasionally you may get pain in the buttock or upper thigh.
These stretches can be done lying on your back (or seated with some revision). If you wake up often with a stiff back, they are best done before getting out of bed.
There are 3 stretches, generally pointing your knee to 3 points:
Do not force the stretch and hold for 5-10 seconds, repeating 2-3 times. This can be done during the day and before bed as well.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us and always check with a professional to confirm your diagnosis.
]]>Every day, practically everyone you see is on their cell phone. And much of the time is spent either on social sites or playing games. Look around and notice their posture. In fact, take a look at your own. Often you are slumped forward, head down, shoulders compressed and your fingers pecking like chickens that just got fed.
This video explains some aspects of keeping proper posture when utilizing your cell phone for extended periods.
Here is an interesting finding about neck strain. An article written in Surgical Technology International by chief surgeon Dr. Kenneth K. Hansraj, demonstrated that increasing the angle of flexion put a huge strain on the neck. The typical weight of your head is around 10-12 lbs. 15 degrees of flexion increases that to 27 lbs of strain on the neck, 30 degrees increases it to 40 lbs and up to 60 degrees gives a load on the neck of a 60 lb head. In this position, most of the force is on the discs. Increased load and wear and tear on the discs can lead to early disc degeneration, herniation and neurological signs and symptoms.
So here are some tips for ergonomic use of your phone:
And if you do have any pain, stiffness or numbness and tingling in the arms, for example, make sure you see your health professional for an assessment to correct little problems before they progress.
Watch our video for more information and a demonstration.
]]>Sometimes a sneeze comes on quickly and you just ‘react’. But if you can, don’t sneeze forward, tilt slightly backwards into extension to sneeze in neutral or even somewhat upward. This will greatly reduce the pressure in your spine. If you are a particularly aggressive sneezer, brace your back with one hand or even clutch a pillow. Just make sure to cover your mouth.
Watch our video for more information and a demonstration.
]]>While sleeping on your back, you may want to put a small pillow or roll under your knees in order to flex your pelvis and relieve pressure on your back. This is especially true if you have lower back pain.
Side lying is also preferable as you can bend your hips and knees to relieve the stresses on these areas. When lying on your side, it is important to keep the top leg even with or behind the bottom leg. If your leg twists over your bottom one, this also puts a twist in your lower back which, again, can lead to a muscle imbalance. If need be, use a pillow between your knees.
Finally, it is important to use a good orthopedic pillow, one that “fills the gaps” of your curved spine (for back lying) and between the neck and shoulder (for side lying). I recommend a water pillow because you can alter the amount of liquid and it shifts as you sleep if you change positions.
Have a look at our newest 30 second back tips regarding proper sleeping posture.
If you have any inquiries, please call us at 416-512-2225 for more information – Welcome Back Spinal Care Centre – Spinal Decompression Toronto.
]]>NEVER bend forward at the waist to lift an item; this position alone creates a huge load on the spinal discs. When adding extra weight, this can create injuries such as disc bulges or herniations.
Instead, get down to the item bending your knees. Keep your feet shoulder width apart with one slightly in front of the other to give you side to side and front to back balance. Alternatively, use the technique below and get down on one knee. Keep the item close to you when lifting.
Once you have lifted the item, make sure you don’t twist your body to move it from one place to another. This again can cause back pain. Always use your whole body. Move your feet to where you want to go and face the place you want to put the item. This will minimize the stress on your back. Check out our video below.
If you have any inquiries, please call us at 416-512-2225 for more information – Welcome Back Spinal Care Centre – Spinal Decompression Toronto.
Our first video describes how to stand with proper balance in order to reduce stress on your back and pelvis.
Whenever you are standing, whether in line at a theatre, holding a child or washing dishes, for example, always follow the same pattern – keep your feet approximately shoulder width apart, with one foot slightly in front of the other and your knees unlocked. Not only will this give you side to side balance but also front to back balance.
Also, you can change your forward foot from time to time to avoid fatigue. For extra relief on your back and pelvis, put one foot on a low step (eg. stool or shelf under the sink). And, if you are standing for a long time at a counter, you may consider buying an anti-fatigue mat.
If you have any inquiries, please call us at 416-512-2225 for more information – Welcome Back Spinal Care Centre – Spinal Decompression Toronto.
]]>spring into beauty flyer
]]>(Picture with 4 of us: Dr. Marshall Deltoff, Dr. Arnie Deltoff (me), Dr. Erica Lieberman and CHA Bibi Hameed – Central Chiropractic Group – 1991, 2nd pic is Bibi and I today – Welcome Back Spinal Care Centre – March 4, 2016)
If you haven’t tried our MindFit brainwave entrainment therapy, there’s no time like the present. MindFit helps to re-establish your brainwave patterns which can get out of sync due to stress and lack of sleep. This creates a state of relaxation in your body and allows your body to be able to handle life’s stresses better. MindFit can be used for a variety of conditions such as poor sleep, general stress and anxiety, chronic pain, smoking cessation and losing weight to name a few.
MindFit is a high-tech meditative process. Meditation has been shown to have a myriad of helpful effects on many health conditions including reducing anxiety, reducing inflammation, lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of heart disease, for example.
Come in for your free demo to see if Mindfit can benefit you (plus it’s covered under your chiropractic private health insurance).
Check out this link on meditation vs. relaxation and this one on mindful meditation.