If you have uncomplicated low back pain (LBP), here are some simple stretches to help you.  Uncomplicated LBP is pain not caused by pathology and does not have pain radiating down the leg or any neurological deficits (loss of sensation, reflex or muscle activity).  Occasionally you may get pain in the buttock or upper thigh.

These stretches can be done lying on your back (or seated with some revision).  If you wake up often with a stiff back, they are best done before getting out of bed.

There are 3 stretches, generally pointing your knee to 3 points: 

  • The first is bringing your knee to your chest, 
  • the second is bringing your knee to your opposite shoulder (cross your ankle over your other bent knee)
  • and the third is bringing your knee across your body while keeping your shoulders flat

Do not force the stretch and hold for 5-10 seconds, repeating 2-3 times.  This can be done during the day and before bed as well.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us and always check with a professional to confirm your diagnosis.

30 Second Back Tips – Simple Back Stretches
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