Hello, I’m Dr. Arnie Deltoff. I was the head clinician of Central Chiropractic Group since my graduation from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC) in 1990. Currently, I am the founder and clinical director of Welcome Back Spinal Care Centre. I have taught undergraduate courses in orthopedics at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM), and applied physiological therapeutics at both CCNM and CMCC.
I am a Fellow of the Academy of Traditional Acupuncture and was selected in 2006 to serve as a peer-assessor in x-ray evaluation for the College of Chiropractors of Ontario.
I have utilized dynamic surface electromyography, a diagnostic modality to measure muscle dysfunction, as an independent assessor for motor vehicle accident patients for various rehabilitation clinics, assessment centres, lawyers and clincians throughout the GTA and I have written several articles on this technology. I am married to a wonderful wife and have 2 amazing boys.
Bibi Hameed, Receptionist