Spring is actually here! And I know what a lot of you are going to do…..GARDEN! But like most people, after a long hard winter, you’re just going to start…gardening. Like any activity you do after a hiatus, gardening involves
30 Second Back Tips – Simple Back Stretches
If you have uncomplicated low back pain (LBP), here are some simple stretches to help you. Uncomplicated LBP is pain not caused by pathology and does not have pain radiating down the leg or any neurological deficits (loss of sensation,
30 Second Back Tips – Proper Posture when Playing on Your Phone
Every day, practically everyone you see is on their cell phone. And much of the time is spent either on social sites or playing games. Look around and notice their posture. In fact, take a look at your own. Often
30 Second Back Tips – How to Sneeze Properly
You may thing that sneezing is nothing to sneeze about. But, sneezing increases the pressure on your spine and can create or exacerbate many problems. Increased spinal pressure can lead to sprains or strains of the neck, mid back or
30 Second Back Tips: Proper Sleeping Position
We spend approximately one quarter to one third of our time sleeping. So, imagine how important it is to sleep with good posture to relieve pressure on our spines. Generally, the best positions to sleep are on your back or sides.
30 Second Back Tips: Proper Lifting
Today’s tips build on our last video regarding standing with balance. When you are lifting an item, it is very important to use your legs and not your back. NEVER bend forward at the waist to lift an item; this
30 Second Back Tips: Proper Standing
Check out our new YouTube playlist – Dr. Deltoff’s 30 Second Back Tips. Dr. Deltoff will be posting a new tip every week to help you take the stress off your back during daily activities. Our first video describes how
Na’amat Toronto Booth
I will be at the Na’amat Toronto 4th Annual Spring into Beauty Show this Sunday April 3, 2016. Please see the flyer for more information. spring into beauty flyer
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